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Helicopter Maintenance
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XI Congreso Mexicano del Asfalto
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I have been dreading writing this post and have been putting it off for as long as possible but I am afraid the time has now come for me to inform you of some big changes. As for most small businesses, weathering the last few years has been incredibly difficult, from enforced closures during the pandemic, to the great malaise post-pandemic, to the current cost of living crisis. We were forced to move out of our lovely shop on the high street in July , due to rent increases, and while I love the new space, it is less visible and we have been plagued with non-stop road closures not to mention the clean air zone, dividing up the city since we moved in, making it hard for people to get to us. I really try to keep things positive around here, but I have found the last year really tough. It is so sad to see a business that you love, die a slow death. My goal was to reach five years in business, which I did in April this year, and then make a decision as to the future of the shop.

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Helicopter Maintenance – SA Flyer
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Helicopter Maintenance

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